Who runs Interschool Events?
Interschool Equestrian events are predominantly run by supporting, independent host schools.
These events are held a regular intervals throughout the school year. Some events are held in conjunction with the Victoria Equestrian Interschool Series (VEIS), and are used as qualifying events for the VEIS Grand Final.
Interschools Victoria in conjuction with Equestrian Victoria, host the annual Victoria Equestrian Interschool State Championships which are held each April at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre.
Each year, a host state will run the Australian Interschool Equestrian Championships, the national event. In 2020, this event will be hosted by Equestrian Queensland.
Guidelines for hosting an Interschool event
Schools and organisations intending to run an interschool event must be affiliated with Equestrian Australia.
All competition must be run to EA rules according to the EA disciplines, where applicable. For all rules, please see rules, regulations and policies.
Proposed dates for competitions for the following year will be requested in Term 3 of the school year. The Interschools Victoria (ISV) Committee will seek to manage calendar options where date clashes occur. The calendar maintains a spread of Friday, Saturday and Sunday competitions and in a variety of regions. Final dates must be confirmed before the close of Term 3 in any given year in order for schools to be informed and develop their own school calendars. Events may be added to the calendar during the year but organisers need to understand the need for maintaining a balance of competitions in an already crowded schedule, especially during the first half of the school year.
Risk Management and Event Management
- an appropriate Risk Assessment must be completed prior to each event.
- A qualified First Aid Officer must be present on the day (minimum level 2).
- A First Aid sign MUST be displayed in a designated First Aid are/Office.
- An OH&S review should be completed for the competition, including an assessment of the venue; this should be signed off prior to the event by the school/organising group/OH&S officer.
Safety and Security
- a child safe contact person should be appointed and Child Safe posters displayed on the day. Available here.
- Photographers usually contact the organisers to request permission to attend. They may provide sponsorship. If at any time you feel they do not meet the event standards, please ask them to leave.
- Photographers require minimum WWCC, a point of sale method which is not through social media or personal emails. Organisers may like to supply a media pass. Further information which may assist – EA Media Policy
- Organisers may like to include on entry: By entering this event you give your consent to copy or reproduce images of yourself, without acknowledgement of yourself and without your entitlement to any remuneration.
- Gates to the venue or from the float/horse area which can be closed in an emergency.
- Events require an Evacuation Plan and a committee response plan to a serious incident.
Competition Arenas and Equipment
- The venue and competition area should be safely fenced.
- Horse, parking and pedestrian areas should be kept separated. Ability to close main gate if required.
- The competition surface must be safe.
- Dressage arenas must not have rope or pig tail.
- All equipment should be safe and well maintained.
- Electronic timing equipment should be used wherever possible at show jumping events.
- The venue must have public liability insurance. Riders must have adequate Personal Accident and Public Liability cover. Some venues carry their own insurance for all riders.
- At Interschool events, EV insurance for riders is preferred. Those stating EV insurance can be checked through the EV office membership if an excel spreadsheet is forwarded. Contact karenamore@equestrianvictoria.com.au
- Some events may accept PCV or HRCAV insurances, some competitions cannot accept PCV or HRCAV insurance if so directed by their school management.
- At State and National Championships EV insurance is required.
- School insurance, that expressly covers riders for equestrian activity, may also be accepted. Online entries will only accept school insurance if a Certificate of Currency has been supplied from the school insurers prior.
- Schools may have multiple campuses for insurance purposes. These campuses must come under the same Governance/Board and same Principal (Head of School). For example a school may have a Senior Campus Year 7-12, and a Primary Campus Prep- Year 6.
Organisation of Interschool Events:
- It is recommended that the Ground Jury be nominated before the event and be made up of the designated Chief Judge on the day, a member of the organising committee, and a representative from a school other than the hosting school, provided there is no conflict of interest.
- Officials and Marshals must be easily identifiable.
- Organising groups are to provide contact name and details to isv@equestrianvictoria.com.au
- Draws should be published a minimum of 3 days prior to the event.
- Events may run later or earlier than advertised. Riders are expected to be aware of changes to times and report/present accordingly.
- Riders who do not report in time to ride in the published draw order may be eliminated.
- Scores should be posted on an accessible scoreboard throughout the day as they become available. Online/live scoring website should be advertised.
- Organising committees may reserve the right to alter, delete any event, and refuse entry without requirement to provide explanations or reasons.
- Final school scores for the competition need to be posted on the day. This may be after the close of the competition. All scores must be posted online through the scoring system for competitor access after the event. Results in pdf format need to be forwarded to isv@equestrianvictoria.com.au for inclusion on the Interschool website.
- Organisers of events including a dressage phase (i.e. including Combined Training competitions) must pay a fee of $1 per test (payable to EV) as per EA rules. EV will invoice event organisers directly.
Entry Forms
- A copy of the Entry Form for any ISV calendared event should be sent to karenamore@equestrianvictoria.com.au prior to broader distribution. The entry form will then be posted on the ISV website and be emailed to all schools and riders on the data base or where contact details are available.
- Entry forms at any given event may require a signature from the School Principal, or the Director of Sport or the Equestrian Coordinator.
- In the case of online entries, an acceptance check box is required confirming the entrant has permission from the School Principal (or the Director of Sport or the Equestrian Coordinator). The name of the School Principal/Director of Sport/Equestrian Coordinator should be included as part of the online entry process.
- Late entries may incur a late fee
- Scratching after the Close of Entries: As per EA Rules, a vet/doctor certificate is required for return of entry fees less a recommended $15.00 administration cost.
- The entry form needs to include a tick box to be completed – ‘Please tick if for personal or legal reasons you DO NOT want any photographs to be taken of your child’. A list needs to be communicated to any photographers attending.
- Primary students are allowed to compete in higher grades – they are not restricted to ride in ‘Primary Only’ classes. However, Primary riders are not permitted to ride at higher levels at Interschool National events irrespective of their standing in a series or championship.
- Secondary riders may participate in ‘Primary only’ classes at the discretion of the organisers but they may be deemed to be competing HC (“hors concours”) i.e., no points will accrue towards either the individual event results or the team or individual championships. Organisers may choose to run a special class e.g. Secondary Freshman jumping with clear entry guidelines.
- Riders are encouraged to enter levels most suited to their level of riding competency and their horse’s ability. In disciplines where grading or qualification applies, the EA rules for eligibility must be adhered to; e.g. dressage grading for horses.
- Riders wishing to compete with more than two horses is at the discretion of the organisers and entrants need to understand the difficulties in allowing EA regulation time between classes, especially in dressage.
- All protests must be lodged by the Team Manager to the organising committee of the event no later than 20 minutes after the incident. It is recommended that event organising committees require that protests be accompanied by $50, to be refunded only if the protest is upheld. A Ground Jury of three personnel must be established to hear protests on the day.
Extra notes for organising committees
While many members of organising committees (“OC’s”) have experience in running equestrian events, the following points may help with planning and operating a successful interschool equestrian event:
- Copy of the Entry Form for any Interschool event should be sent to ISV email prior to the event. The entry form will then be posted on the ISV calendar and be emailed to all schools where representative are competing in EV events and contact details are available.
- It is essential that officials are familiar with Interschool rules, as well as EA rules.
- First Aid must be aware of the requirement to check riders after any fall before they can commence riding. The EA concussion policy must be enforced.
- Consideration should, if possible, be given to schools that are travelling long distances to compete, e.g. competitors from that should should not be first in a draw if possible.
- Draws should be prepared with random orders in accordance to EA guidelines
- In State Qualifier events, EA judges at the correct level should be used.
- If additional rules are set, they must be clearly stated both on the entry form and the program for the day. Event officials should be clearly briefed beforehand.
- Committee briefings about the rules of competition should be minuted.
- It is recommended that tasks be allocated to committee members with one person holding ultimate responsibility for running the event.
- Entry forms should make clear where competitors/team managers can access the draw.
- It is suggested that the mobile phone number of a key contact person be included on the entry form for competition day.
- Combined Training events that run in combination with a Dressage Championship need to follow horse welfare guidelines – Maximum of three Dressage tests in one day or two Dressage tests and one Show Jumping round per rider and horse combination.
- Ribbons or rosettes should be awarded to at least 6th place in each class
- There will be an overall champion for each level/section (e.g. Novice Dressage, Improvers Showjumping etc.). This will be the aggregate of both dressage tests on the day, or all showjumping classes on the day.
- If a competitor is unable to be present for presentations, it is acceptable for someone to accept prizes on their behalf.
- It is suggested for Dressage events to have envelopes on hand so that test sheets and/or prizes can be posted. Usually a $2 donation is requested to cover this cost.
- While teams are encouraged to remain for presentations, team prizes may be posted after the event.